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Supports for Adults

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We provide support for adults aiming at increasing their quality of life and self-determination.

We work together with you and the carers in your team to support you if you are experiencing challenges that affect your life or if you are having difficulties in social settings. We aim to work with you to find more effective ways to communicate your needs and to support your carers to make changes in the environment that prevent challenges from occurring and promote respectful communication and understanding.

Our services are based on the principles of Positive Behaviour Support. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an individualised and extensive approach that supports individuals and carers to make changes that promote a better quality of life and decrease problem behaviour. PBS is based on person-centred practices and inclusion values.

Positive Behaviour Support is offered to teams and carers in case of challenging behaviours to understand the reason behind these problem behaviours and foster positive change.


Our Behaviour Support Services include:

You can also view this short clip to better understand what Positive Behaviour Support is.

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